St Joseph’s Church

Cowdenbeath Road, Burntisland, Fife KY3 0LJ                                       


Parish Priest: Canon James G. Tracey            Tel:  01592 872207 




Newsletter – 7th March




Saturday 8th 


10:00am Mass

5:00pm Vigil Mass


Special Intention

Moira McCann


Sunday 9th

(1st Sunday of Lent)


10:00am Mass


Anne Sheridan


Monday 10th

(St John Ogilvie)


No Mass



Tuesday 11th


11:00am Funeral Mass – Liz Horn



Wednesday 12th


11:00am Funeral Mass – Jim Paul



Thursday 13th  


9:30am Adoration

10:00am Mass



Private Intention


Friday 14th  


10:00am Mass

7:00pm Stations of the Cross


People of the Parish


Saturday 15th


10:00am Mass

5:00pm Vigil Mass


Special Intention

Emily Ordanis


Sunday 16th

(2nd Sunday of Lent)


10:00am Mass


Margaret McNair





























Sunday Missal:  1st Sunday of Lent (Year C) -  Page 207.


Teas and Coffees available after Mass on Sunday and Thursday


Stations of the Cross will be celebrated on the Fridays of Lent at 7:00pm.


Advanced notice of St Joseph's Day Celebrations - St Joseph's Day is on Wednesday 19 March 2025.  To mark this important day for the parish, Mass will be held at 7 pm on Wednesday 19 March 2025 followed by drinks and treats in the hall, organised by the Social Committee.  All are most welcome.





SCIAF: WEE BOX, BIG CHANGE 2025: Please pick up a WEE BOX from the table in the porch.


Funeral Masses:  The Funeral Mass for Liz Horn is on Tuesday this week at 11:00am; The Funeral Mass for Jim Paul is on Wednesday this week at 11:00am; The Funeral Mass for Moira McCann is on Thursday 20 March at 10:00am.


Holy Year Talks: A series of Holy Year talks take place on the last Sunday of each month at the Carmelite Convent, Hot Pot Wynd, Dysart, KY1 2TF. The next one is on Sunday 30 March at 4:30pm when Canon James Tracey discusses Reconciliation - Forgiveness. The one-hour event includes evening prayer, Eucharistic Adoration and has been organised by the Fife Deanery. All welcome.


Catholic Families for Life: The latest Catholic Families for Life newsletter from the National Commission for Marriage, Family and Life is available at


Rise in Faith, Live in Hope: The Archdiocese invites high school pupils to 'Rise in Faith, Live in Hope' at St Francis Xavier's Church, 11am-3pm on Saturday 15 March. The event will provide encouragement and inspiration to help our young people grow in their faith amidst the challenges they face. Includes Mass with Archbishop Cushley. Register at or for large groups please email 


Annual Mass: The annual Caritas, Justice & Peace Mass takes place at 7:00pm on Wednesday 2 April at St Margaret’s, East Port, Dunfermline, KY12 7JB. Fr Tom Magill of Motherwell Diocese will preach. All welcome.


Aid to the Church in Need: Scottish Conference 'Courage to be Catholic':  This conference, hosted by Aid to the Church in Need, takes place on Saturday 29 March at the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall, 9:30am - 4:00pm. Hear from inspiring speakers, meet representatives of Catholic organisations from around Scotland, and help build Catholic community. Scan the QR code below or go to to register.


Parishioner Tony Caw’s company Educamus Tuition is delighted to partner with a Scottish charity which delivers surprise Christmas hampers to the less fortunate of North Lanarkshire each Christmas.

Until Christmas 2025, Educamus Tuition is going to collect books from the Educamus Network which they believe to be inspirational for children and young adults, with a target of 200 books being set. A book will then be added to each hamper ahead of delivery in Christmas 2025. Which book inspires you? Please donate it to the less fortunate! 🙂 Books can be left in the church porch, or delivered to: Educamus Tuition Ltd. 25 Oak Street, Kinghorn, Fife KY3 9YS


Anecdote - The temptation of the Sundew trap: In the Australian bush country grows a little plant called the “sundew” (Drosera). It has a slender stem and tiny, round leaves fringed with hairs that glisten with bright drops of liquid as delicate as fine dew. Woe to the insect, however, that dares to dance on it! Although its attractive clusters of red, white, and pink blossoms are harmless, the leaves are deadly. The shiny moisture on each leaf is sticky and will imprison any bug that touches it. As an insect struggles to free itself, the vibration causes the leaves to close tightly around it. This innocent-looking plant then feeds on its victim. — The devil uses the same technique in tempting us. (Our Daily Bread, December 11, 1992)


Oscar Wilde:  I can resist everything except temptation.”


Have a good week. Take care. Fr James