St Joseph’s Church

Cowdenbeath Road, Burntisland, Fife KY3 0LJ                                       


Parish Priest: Canon James G. Tracey            Tel:  01592 872207 




Newsletter – 18th October




Saturday 19th   


10.00am Mass

5.00pm Vigil Mass


John Mitchell

Deceased Relatives & Friends Chue Hong Family


Sunday 20th

(29th Sunday of the Year)


10.00am Mass


June & Graham O’Connor


Monday 21st


No Mass



Tuesday 22nd

(St John Paul II)


7.00pm Mass


People of the Parish




Wednesday 23rd


10.00am Mass


Harry Thomson


Thursday 24th  


9.30am Adoration

10.00am Mass



Elizabeth James Marshall


Friday 25th  


10.00am Mass


Stephen Rodgers


Saturday 26th    


10.00am Mass

5.00pm Vigil Mass


Jim Lennox

Magda Radke


Sunday 27th

(30th Sunday of the Year)


10.00am Mass


Brenda Slater






























Teas and Coffees available after Mass on Sunday and Thursday.

Today is World Mission Sunday. The second collection is for Missio Scotland. Today, with Catholics of the world, we are called to offer our prayers and our generous financial support, through Missio Scotland, to continue the mission of Jesus. Today we ‘go and invite everyone to the banquet’ through our prayers and personal sacrifices for our brothers and sisters in the missions. As always, your prayers are your most precious gift to the missions, but your financial assistance, offered today, will support missionary priests, religious sisters and brothers, and lay catechists who are Christ’s witnesses to a world so in need of His love and peace.



Knit & Knatter Coffee Morning & Christmas Fayre: Saturday 16th November, 10.30am-12.30pm. Baking and raffle items will be gratefully received.

St Andrews High School  -  Solemnity of All Saints - Friday 1st November:  Pupils can sign up in advance to attend the School Mass in the Assembly Hall, using a QR code.  The process is very straightforward  -  just scan the code, using your mobile phone, and then enter your name and class.  Pupils will find the QR code on their class RE Teams page, or on the poster in their RE class.  If anyone has difficulty using the QR code, please advise your RE Teacher.  They’ll add you to the list of Mass participants. 

Psalms and the New Lectionary: From Advent 2024, a new translation of the psalms used in the liturgy at Mass will be introduced. Join Fr Adrian Porter SJ to explore the ancient literature of the psalms, their translation and use in Christian worship. This FREE workshop is for readers, cantors and anyone with an interest in the psalms. It takes place from 2:30-5:00pm on Saturday 26 October at Sacred Heart Church, 28 Lauriston Street, Edinburgh, EH3 9DJ. Register at

Holy Year event: The Archdiocese invites you to find out more about the Jubilee Year 2025 at a special event at The Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB, on Saturday 9 November. Includes inspiring talks on preparing spiritually for the year ahead and pilgrim testimonies. Register for this free event at

Zoom series on new Lectionary:  The Archdiocese is hosting a series of 45 min. talks on Zoom to take a closer look at the new Lectionary which is being introduced in Advent. Join Fr Jamie McMorrin at 7:00pm on Wednesday 4 December, Wed 11 Dec, and Wed 18 Dec. The sessions are free to attend. Register at 

The Holy Fathers’ Mission Sunday messages: In his World Mission Sunday messages, Pope Benedict XVI stressed the importance of Christian charity in action as the keynote of evangelization. He encouraged Churches with a shortage of priests to get them from countries with many priests. In the Pauline Year, heencouraged everyone “to take renewed awareness of the urgent need to proclaim the Gospel,” and he exhorted all Christians “to redouble their commitment to participate in the missionary activity that is an essential component of the life of the Church.” Pope Francis, in his first World Mission Sunday message, 2013, challenged us to proclaim courageously and in every situation the Gospel of Christ — a message of hope, reconciliation, and communion. In his 2014 Mission Sunday message, the Pope challenged the Church to become a welcoming home, a mother for all peoples, and the source of rebirth for our world through the intercession of Mary, the model of humble and joyful evangelization. “The Church is on a mission in the world,” Pope Francis wrote in his 2019 World Mission Day message, Baptized and Sent. “This missionary mandate touches us personally: I am a mission, always; you are a mission, always; every baptized man and woman is a mission.” Hence, the Holy Father calls on all Catholics and the Church to revive missionary awareness and commitment. In his 2020 message, our Holy Father asked us to discharge our mission duty by volunteering with prophet Isaiah “Here am I, send me” (6:8) to alleviate the suffering of our Covid-19-stricken brothers and sisters. The theme of 2021 World Mission Day – “We cannot but speak about what we have seen and heard”(Acts 4:20), is a summons to each of us to “own” and to bring to others what we bear in our hearts. Pope Francis’ theme for 2024 World mission Sunday is rooted in the Gospel of Matthew: “Go and Invite Everyone to the Banquet,” reflecting the inclusive and urgent call to bring God’s love to everyone. Let us join in this universal mission to spread the Gospel and invite all to experience the joy of Christ’s message!

Have a good week. Take care.   Fr James