St Joseph’s Church

Cowdenbeath Road, Burntisland, Fife KY3 0LJ                                       


Parish Priest: Canon James G. Tracey            Tel:  01592 872207 




Newsletter – 4th October




Saturday 5th  


10.00am Mass

5.00pm Vigil Mass


People of the Parish

Magda Radke


Sunday 6th

(27th Sunday of the Year)


10.00am Mass


Deceased members – Slater Family


Monday 7th

(Our Lady of the Rosary)


No Mass



Tuesday 8th  


7.00pm Mass


People of the Parish


Wednesday 9th  


10.00am Mass


Harry Thomson


Thursday 10th


9.30am Adoration

10.00am Mass



Special Intention (Gregory Russell)


Friday 11th  


10.00am Mass


Eleanor Haggett


Saturday 12th    


10.00am Mass

5.00pm Vigil Mass


Connie Maguire

Thomas Gallacher (Jun)


Sunday 13th

(28th Sunday of the Year)


10.00am Mass


Private Intention




























Teas and Coffees available after Mass on Sunday and Thursday.

200 Club: The next draw will take place after Mass on Sunday.

Events in the Archdiocese: For a full list of forthcoming events in the Archdiocese visit

Doctors’ opposition to assisted suicide: A total of 82% of doctors responding to the Scottish Parliament Health Committee’s detailed call for views on proposals to legalise assisted suicide have stated that they are ‘strongly opposed’ to the plans. Please let your MSPs know about this. More information on how to do this at:



Romero Lecture 2024: Bishop Kenneth Nowakowski of the Ukrainian Catholic community in the UK will deliver this year’s lecture on 'Romero and Ukraine: Resilience in the Face of Injustice'. Friday 18 October at 7:00pm at Sacred Heart Church, Lauriston Street, Edinburgh. The event is to celebrate the witness and legacy of St Oscar Romero, martyred in 1980 in El Salvador. In partnership with SCIAF, Justice and Peace Scotland, Pax Christi, and the Romero Trust. All welcome.

Youth Day – Wonder Woman St Margaret! The Archdiocese is hosting a youth day for p4-p7 children at The Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB, on Saturday 16 November to coincide with the Feast of St Margaret. Includes games, talks and activities, concluding with Mass celebrated by Archbishop Leo. Register at

Ceilidh Ball: The national Young Adults’ Ceilidh Ball is at Central Hall, 2 West Tollcross, Edinburgh, EH3 9BP on Saturday 16 November at 7:00pm. Includes live band and buffet. Details and tickets (£40) at Queries: Fr Robert Taylor

The Alma Mater Fund: The Alma Mater Fund provides financial support to pregnant students facing difficulties at universities in order to support them in pursuing their academic and personal goals. Through the work of the initiative, the Alma Mater Fund can also direct students to further sources of support and advice. Call, Text or WhatsApp: 07849 088244 or socials: @almamaterfund

Anecdote: “I remember who she is and I remember who I am.” A few years ago, there was a man whose wife became seriously ill with Alzheimer’s disease. She completely lost all of her memory and her ability to remember who she was or who anyone else was. She was in a nursing home and her husband came by to sit beside her bed and be beside her every day. One of his sons told him that he didn’t need to keep doing that because she didn’t remember who she was and she didn’t remember who he was. The man said: “I know she doesn’t remember anything, but I do. I remember who she is and I remember who I am. I am the husband who said to her 55 years ago, ‘I will love and cherish you for better or worse and in sickness and health…’ And I intend to do just that.” (  (

The Marriage Commitment: Harold Kushner, an American rabbi tells how a young couple came to see him one evening. Their wedding was coming up and he was to officiate at it. At one point the young man said to him, “Rabbi, would you object if we made one small change in the wedding ceremony? Instead of pronouncing us husband and wife ‘till death do us part,’ could you pronounce us husband and wife ’for as long as love lasts?’ We’ve talked about this and we both feel that, should the day come when we no longer love each other, it wouldn’t be morally right for us to be stuck with each other.” But the rabbi replied, “I do object, and I won’t make the change. You and I know that there is such a thing as divorce, and we know that a lot of marriages these days don’t last until one of the partners dies. But let me tell you something. If you go into marriage with an attitude of,  ‘If it doesn’t work out, we can always split,’ then I can almost guarantee you that things won’t work out for you. I appreciate your honesty. But you must understand that a marriage commitment is not just a mutual willingness to live together, but a commitment to accept the frustrations and disappointments that are an inevitable part of two imperfect human beings relating to each other. It’s hard enough to make a go of marriage even when you give it everything you’ve got. But if only a part of you is involved in the relationship, then you have virtually no chance.” (Flor McCarthy in New Sundays and Holy Day Liturgies).

Have a good week. Take care.

Fr James