St Joseph’s Church

Cowdenbeath Road, Burntisland, Fife KY3 0LJ                                       


Parish Priest: Canon James G. Tracey            Tel:  01592 872207 




Newsletter – 6th September




Saturday 7th


10.00am Mass

5.00pm Vigil Mass


Shaun McGuinness



Sunday 8th

(23rd Sunday of the Year)


10.00am Mass


Rosella Molloy



Monday 9th


No Mass




Tuesday 10th


7.00pm Mass


People of the Parish



Wednesday 11th


No Mass




Thursday 12th


9.30am Adoration

10.00am Mass



Private Intention



Friday 13th

(St John Chrysostom)


10.30am Funeral Mass of Mary McCann






Saturday 14th

(The Exaltation of the Holy Cross)


10.00am Mass

5.00pm Vigil Mass


Brian Mallon

Magda Radke



Sunday 15th  

(24th Sunday of the Year)


10.00am Mass


Pat Scullion



Teas and Coffees available after Mass on Sunday and Thursday.


Please welcome Fr Simon Hughes  who will celebrate the Vigil Mass this weekend as Fr James will be celebrating a wedding in Glasgow.


Mission Appeal: Fr Willie Brandon sends his gratitude and appreciation for your warm welcome, generosity and prayers. You were exceptionally generous in responding to his appeal on behalf of the Society of African Missions (SMA Fathers), which raised £1700.20.


200 Club: Congratulations to the winners in the August draw - £200 Alan Steventon (119); £100 Elizabeth Small (135); £50 Alan Hunter (66); £50 Margaret Green (98); £20 Douglas Lamond (24); £20 Stuart Dalglish (217).



Vocations Awareness Week  begins this Sunday and it is a chance for us to pray for those considering the priesthood or religious life, that they may hear God’s call and respond with joyful hearts. We pray especially for Gerard Holden and Matthew McCafferty, seminarians of the Archdiocese, as well as for priests across the Archdiocese who are giving their life in service of the ChurchIf you want to explore the priesthood or religious life, have a chat with the Archdiocesan Vocations Director Monsignor Patrick Burke on 01334 472 856 ( or Sister Mirjam Hugens, Director for Religious Vocations, on 0131 623 8902, ( More at:

Season of Creation: A Season of Creation online event will take place on Thursday 19 September with Fr Joshtrom Kureethadam at 7:00pm. Register at Event hosted by The Bishops' Conference of Scotland’s Care of Creation Office.

Venerable Margaret Sinclair: The annual Venerable Margaret Sinclair Pilgrimage takes place at St Patrick’s Church in The Cowgate, Edinburgh, on Sunday 22 September. Schedule: 1:30pm – Holy Hour; 2:45pm – individual blessings at Shrine; 3:30pm – Reflection, Novena Prayers, presentation from Sinclair Academy; 4:30pm Holy Mass with Archbishop Cushley. Find out more about Margaret Sinclair at

St. Joseph’s Trip to Trossachs and Loch Katrine:  Thursday 26th September.  There are still a few places left on the bus. Please add your name to the list in the porch, where you will also find further details.

Celebrating the Gift: A Scripture Reflection Day titled ‘Celebrating the Gift’ takes place at The Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, on Saturday 5 October 2024 from 10:00am to 4:00pm. The event will explain more about the new lectionary which is being introduced in Advent and it is also a chance to reflect on the Word of God. Register at

Pilgrimage of Hope: Pope Francis declared that 2025 will be a Year of Jubilee. To help us prepare for the year, the Archdiocese is hosting ‘Pilgrimage of Hope’ which will feature spiritual talks, pilgrim testimonies more. It takes place at The Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, on Saturday 9 November from 11:00am to 3:15pm. Register at

Anecdote:  You have turned to medicine and drinking, and you are killing yourself.” W. Moore, in his book, When All Else Fails, Read the Instructions, tells about a “made-for-TV” movie years ago titled The Betty Ford Story. The movie was produced with the help, the support and the encouragement of former First Lady Betty Ford, to reveal, out of her own personal experience, the dangers of drugs and alcohol. Mrs. Ford was overwhelmed by the demands and stresses of being this nation’s first lady and by the debilitating pain of arthritis. Consequently, over time, she became addicted to pain medication and alcohol. In the most powerful scene in that movie, her family confronts Mrs. Ford, and one by one, her children express their love and their concern for her. And then straightforwardly, they tell her what they are seeing–that she has become a prescription-medicine addict and an alcoholic. At first, she denies that she has a problem, but eventually she realizes what is happening and gets help. In that poignant intervention scene, one of the children says this to her, “Mother, always before, when you had a problem, you turned to God and to your family, but lately you have shut us out. You have turned to medicine and drinking, and you are killing yourself.” — Sometimes the most loving thing you can do for someone is to tell him or her — in love — the brutal truth. — Betty Ford’s family loved her enough to help her see herself as she really was. As long as there is someone who cares for us, there is hope. That is the first thing we need to see. And here is the second thing: No one is hopeless who is open to Jesus. ( 

Best wishes and God bless you and yours.  Fr James